Welcome to TaxBreaks, a tax podcast where difficult tax issues are translated into plain English and discussed in an open and frank manner. Sometimes, we even have a little lighthearted fun.
TaxBreaks features informed discussion and lively debate on tax-related issues in Canada, the United States, and around the world. Please note: the opinions expressed are solely our own and do not express the views or opinions of the CRA, IRS, or any other federal agency or tax governing bodies.
Episode 035 – Impact of August 4th Proposed Amendment to the Alternative Minimum Tax Regime (AMT)
In our firm’s latest podcast, Kenneth Keung and Kim G C Moody briefly discuss the 2023 Federal Budget proposals to amend the alternative minimum tax regime under Canadian tax law. Specifically, Kenneth and Kim discuss: The history of the AMT; The architecture of the AMT; The 2021 Liberal Party election policy platform promise to introduce…
Episode 034 – Canada Revenue Agency Audits of COVID-era Supports
In our firm’s latest podcast, Kenneth Keung and Kim G C Moody briefly discuss Canadian COVID era supports and the fact that the Canada Revenue Agency are auditing some of the support claims. Specifically, Kenneth and Kim discuss: A brief and very general history of the larger supports provided during the COVID era. The…
Episode 033 – Tax Considerations For Foreigners Buying Canadian Real Estate
In our firm’s latest podcast, Kenneth Keung and Kim G C Moody discuss tax issues that need to be considered when non-residents of Canada purchase Canadian real estate. Specifically, Kenneth and Kim discuss: Some recent legislative changes that have impacted the ability of or have consequential impacts such as a ban on foreigners from buying…
Episode 032– The Canadian Frustrations When Claiming Foreign Tax Credits
In our firm’s latest podcast, Kenneth Keung and Kim G C Moody discuss the frustrations that Canadian individual taxpayers experience when claiming foreign tax credits. Specifically, Kenneth and Kim discuss: What are foreign tax credits? What’s the purpose of them and what are some of the high level eligibility requirements. Using a US citizen resident…
Episode 031 – Canadians Moving to the US: Tax & Non-Tax Considerations
In our firm’s latest podcast, Kenneth Keung and Kim G C Moody discuss a topic that has becoming very prevalent in the past few years: Canadians wanting to move to the U.S. for either personal or business reasons (or both). They discuss: The reasons why Canadians are interested in this topic. Important non-tax considerations when…
Episode 030 – A Summary of Recent Tax Policy Changes With Canadian Residential Real Estate
In our latest episode of TaxBreaks, Kenneth Keung and Kim G C Moody discuss Canadian tax considerations – including recent policy changes – with respect to Canadian residential real estate. Specifically, Kenneth and Kim discuss: The principal residence exemption – is it too generous? Should there and will there be amendments to this generous exemption?…