Alexander Marino is quoted in an article titled “‘Scary’: Why US expats are tossing their citizenships – and it’s not just Trump” in The Sydney Morning Herald, November 1, 2024
Kenneth Keung is quoted in the Investment Executive article titled “Quirk in capital gains tax rules raises risks for incorporated clients,” published on July 24, 2024.
Kenneth Keung is quoted in the Investment Executive article titled “How should trusts flow out capital gains to beneficiaries in 2024?”, July 5, 2024.
Kim G C Moody, Kenneth Keung, and Christopher Ellett are quoted in the Investment Executive article titled “When is the latest clients can sell assets prior to June 25?”, published on May 17, 2024.
Alexander Marino recently appeared on the Global Investment Voice Podcast to discuss the benefits of renouncing US citizenship on March 14, 2024.
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New US Travel Bans Due to Omicron Variant
A new Presidential Proclamation banning travel from certain countries to the US.
COVID Testing Requirements Loosened for Some Canadian Travellers
Beginning November 30, 2021 full-vaccinated Canadian citizens won’t have to provide a pre-entry molecular test result.
CRA Applying GAAR for Outside/inside ACB Misalignment on 55(3)(a) transactions
In this blog, we will discuss another recent example of the CRA announcing its willingness to apply the GAAR to taxpayers relying on paragraph 55(3)(a) outside of a narrow scope of circumstances.
US Tax Increases May Be Coming. Are You Ready to Pay More for Your US Citizenship?
While still being hashed out in the halls of Congress as we speak, proposed changes could see $US2.1 trillion worth of tax increases aimed at individual and corporate taxpayers (a low-end estimate) to pay for the largest social spending plan in decades.
Our Response to the CRA’s Position on Creditor-Proofing Reorganizations – Part 2 (A Case Study)
In this Blog, we build upon our Response to the CRA’s Position on Creditor-Proofing Reorganizations blog by presenting a specific example of a creditor-proofing reorganization.
‘What Happens to My Social Security Payments?’ and Some Common Myths About Life After Renouncing Your US Citizenship
One of the most popular questions I get during my renunciation webinars and over the 4,000 files…
Alexander Marino is quoted in an article titled “‘Scary’: Why US expats are tossing their citizenships – and it’s not just Trump” in The Sydney Morning Herald, November 1, 2024
Kenneth Keung is quoted in the Investment Executive article titled “Quirk in capital gains tax rules raises risks for incorporated clients,” published on July 24, 2024.
Kenneth Keung is quoted in the Investment Executive article titled “How should trusts flow out capital gains to beneficiaries in 2024?”, July 5, 2024.
Kim G C Moody, Kenneth Keung, and Christopher Ellett are quoted in the Investment Executive article titled “When is the latest clients can sell assets prior to June 25?”, published on May 17, 2024.
Alexander Marino recently appeared on the Global Investment Voice Podcast to discuss the benefits of renouncing US citizenship on March 14, 2024.
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