Blog + News

Insight on what’s happening in the world of tax, law and accounting so you can stay ahead.


Alexander Marino is quoted in an article titled “Trump bump: U.S. citizenship renunciation inquiries surge in Canada, lawyers say” on CBC News, January 28, 2025.


Alexander Marino is quoted in an article titled “‘Scary’: Why US expats are tossing their citizenships – and it’s not just Trump” in The Sydney Morning Herald, November 1, 2024


Kenneth Keung is quoted in the Investment Executive article titled “Quirk in capital gains tax rules raises risks for incorporated clients,” published on July 24, 2024.


Kenneth Keung is quoted in the Investment Executive article titled “How should trusts flow out capital gains to beneficiaries in 2024?”, July 5, 2024.


Kim G C Moody, Kenneth Keung, and Christopher Ellett are quoted in the Investment Executive article titled “When is the latest clients can sell assets prior to June 25?”, published on May 17, 2024.

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Solicitor client privilege in tax matters

In a prior blog post, I said that solicitor client privilege remains strong in Canada. A recent judgment of the Federal Court included two throwaway comments, so easily quotable, that appear to suggest that solicitor client privilege does not extend to “tax planning” advice.

In Canada v. Revcon Oilfield Constructors Incorporated, 2015 FC 524, the Federal Court offered the two gems that the government will be sure to cite when they want to seek tax planning documents from a taxpayer.

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Renunciation of US citizenship is on the rise

On May 7th, 2015, the US Treasury Department published its first quarter 2015 list of individuals who have chosen to expatriate and it was yet again an eye opening number. The 1,335 published names is the highest quarterly figure ever reported in the Federal Register.

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The Alberta Election, overtime playoffs, and a night full of upsets…

Growing up in Alberta, my parents taught me a golden rule – never talk about politics in a social setting. A golden rule I still respect and one that has carried over to our firm. However, I’m going to make an exception today (sorry Mom) given the historic nature of yesterday’s Alberta election.

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Upcoming FATCA deadlines for Canadians

As part of its 2015 Federal Budget announcements, Canada committed to implementing the “Common Reporting Standard” (CRS) promulgated by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). While the OECD’s efforts to facilitate information reporting via the CRS and Canada’s corresponding implementation of such a regime will certainly have lasting impact, let us not forget about the progenitor of information exchange and its looming deadlines: FATCA.

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2015 Federal Budget summary

Well, as predicted, the 2015 Federal Budget (the “Budget”) contained significant tax measures. After years and years of boring tax budgets, recent budgets have reversed that trend and the 2015 Budget is certainly no exception. For those of you who do not have the patience, nor energy, to read this entire summary, below is a recap of the more relevant tax measures that will impact our clients and friends.

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2015 Federal Budget predictions

By now, most of us know that the ruling Conservatives announced they will release the Federal Budget (calling it Economic Action Plan 2015 – the “Budget”) on April 21, 2015. Once again, I will be in attendance in Ottawa representing CPA Canada and our firm. What do I predict will be contained in the Budget? Well, it’s anyone’s guess. My favorite management writer, Peter Drucker, once wrote: “Trying to predict the future is like trying to drive down a country road at night with no lights while looking out the back window.” In addition, the ancient Chinese philosopher, Lao Tzu, stated: “Those who have knowledge, don’t predict. Those who predict, don’t have knowledge.” Well, I think Peter Drucker and Lao Tzu were both right. But, I’m willing to take a shot at what we might see in the Budget. Here’s my best guess.

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Alexander Marino is quoted in an article titled “Trump bump: U.S. citizenship renunciation inquiries surge in Canada, lawyers say” on CBC News, January 28, 2025.


Alexander Marino is quoted in an article titled “‘Scary’: Why US expats are tossing their citizenships – and it’s not just Trump” in The Sydney Morning Herald, November 1, 2024


Kenneth Keung is quoted in the Investment Executive article titled “Quirk in capital gains tax rules raises risks for incorporated clients,” published on July 24, 2024.


Kenneth Keung is quoted in the Investment Executive article titled “How should trusts flow out capital gains to beneficiaries in 2024?”, July 5, 2024.


Kim G C Moody, Kenneth Keung, and Christopher Ellett are quoted in the Investment Executive article titled “When is the latest clients can sell assets prior to June 25?”, published on May 17, 2024.