Alexander Marino is quoted in an article titled “‘Scary’: Why US expats are tossing their citizenships – and it’s not just Trump” in The Sydney Morning Herald, November 1, 2024
Kenneth Keung is quoted in the Investment Executive article titled “Quirk in capital gains tax rules raises risks for incorporated clients,” published on July 24, 2024.
Kenneth Keung is quoted in the Investment Executive article titled “How should trusts flow out capital gains to beneficiaries in 2024?”, July 5, 2024.
Kim G C Moody, Kenneth Keung, and Christopher Ellett are quoted in the Investment Executive article titled “When is the latest clients can sell assets prior to June 25?”, published on May 17, 2024.
Alexander Marino recently appeared on the Global Investment Voice Podcast to discuss the benefits of renouncing US citizenship on March 14, 2024.
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Unwinding Non-CCPC Structures
The purpose of the refundable tax regime is to prevent individuals from deferring tax simply by moving their liquid assets into a CCPC and benefiting from general corporate rates.
What Every US Green Card Holder (Past and Present) Needs to Know About Their US Tax Obligation
With certain exceptions, US green card holders are taxed the same way as US citizens living abroad by the IRS.
Am I Still a US citizen? Clearing the Confusion Regarding Loss of US citizenship for Tax Purposes (Updated)
Unlike virtually every other developed country, the United States bestows upon its citizens the unique pleasure of being taxed on their worldwide income, regardless of where that income is earned.
2022 Federal Budget Details – Continued Spending With Limited Tax Measures
On April 7, 2022, the Government of Canada released the 2022 Federal Budget. Like the 2021 budget, the government is continuing to spend tremendous amounts of money with deficits that have no end in sight.
Federal Budget Date Announced – April 7, 2022
The Canadian federal budget has a release date. It was announced today that the budget will be released on the afternoon of April 7, 2022.
Interested in a US Green Card via Investment?
We have been waiting since the EB-5 Regional Center Investor Program expired last Summer for Congress to act and they finally have reauthorized the program, with some changes of note, through September 30, 2027.
Alexander Marino is quoted in an article titled “‘Scary’: Why US expats are tossing their citizenships – and it’s not just Trump” in The Sydney Morning Herald, November 1, 2024
Kenneth Keung is quoted in the Investment Executive article titled “Quirk in capital gains tax rules raises risks for incorporated clients,” published on July 24, 2024.
Kenneth Keung is quoted in the Investment Executive article titled “How should trusts flow out capital gains to beneficiaries in 2024?”, July 5, 2024.
Kim G C Moody, Kenneth Keung, and Christopher Ellett are quoted in the Investment Executive article titled “When is the latest clients can sell assets prior to June 25?”, published on May 17, 2024.
Alexander Marino recently appeared on the Global Investment Voice Podcast to discuss the benefits of renouncing US citizenship on March 14, 2024.
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