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Insight on what’s happening in the world of tax, law and accounting so you can stay ahead.


Alexander Marino is quoted in an article titled “Trump bump: U.S. citizenship renunciation inquiries surge in Canada, lawyers say” on CBC News, January 28, 2025.


Alexander Marino is quoted in an article titled “‘Scary’: Why US expats are tossing their citizenships – and it’s not just Trump” in The Sydney Morning Herald, November 1, 2024


Kenneth Keung is quoted in the Investment Executive article titled “Quirk in capital gains tax rules raises risks for incorporated clients,” published on July 24, 2024.


Kenneth Keung is quoted in the Investment Executive article titled “How should trusts flow out capital gains to beneficiaries in 2024?”, July 5, 2024.


Kim G C Moody, Kenneth Keung, and Christopher Ellett are quoted in the Investment Executive article titled “When is the latest clients can sell assets prior to June 25?”, published on May 17, 2024.

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Government of Alberta announces a newsworthy budget for 2015

Budget announcements from the Government of Alberta for the last number of years have generally been humdrum events. Unfortunately, with declining oil prices and market uncertainty, the Government of Alberta is now in a position where it can no longer rely on resource royalties to smooth out its revenue stream. Through Budget 2015, the Government of Alberta is proposing changes that will impact many Albertans in a significant way.

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The loss restriction event rules for trusts are broader than you think

Loss carryforwards and other tax attributes are valuable assets because they can shelter taxes. As such, loss utilization has always been a staple of good tax planning. The Income Tax Act and the CRA’s administrative policies have generally accepted loss utilization planning within affiliated and related parties. On the other hand, the Act has always had provisions against arm’s length loss trading transactions whereby one taxpayer in effect makes use of another’s unused tax attributes. Prior to March 21, 2013, these rules were referred to as the “acquisition of control” rules and they applied only to corporations. However, in recent years, there are a proliferation of non-corporate vehicles that carry on substantial activities traditionally undertaken only by corporations. In response, the Department of Finance introduced a new “loss restriction event” concept in new section 251.2, effective March 21, 2013, that essentially expands the old acquisition of control regime to partnerships and trusts. At first glance, the rules in section 251.2 appears to be of limited relevance to ordinary trust and estate planning due to the affiliated person exceptions provided. However, there are traps for the unwary contained in these rules.

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Supreme Court of Canada rules that FINTRAC requirements do not apply to law firms: Solicitor-client privilege remains strong in Canada

The Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (“FINTRAC”) is a government agency tasked with facilitating the detection, prevention, and deterrence of money laundering and the financing of terrorist activities. FINTRAC operates under the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act, S.C. 2000, c. 17 (the “Act”) and collects information on financial transactions relying upon certain provisions of the Act.

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Can Canadian taxpayers defer a gain on a disposition of property by reinvesting the sale proceeds like US taxpayers can?

The recent case of Livingston v The Queen from the Tax Court of Canada has once again thrust the replacement property rules in section 44 of the Income Tax Act (the “Act”) in the spotlight. Since numerous commentators have already discussed the case and debated whether the Tax Court was correct in its narrow interpretation of the legislation, we will take another approach and use this as an opportunity to highlight a common misconception about the Canadian replacement property rules that we frequently encounter in our practice.

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The OECD’s Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (“BEPS”) Project

For tax geeks like me, the OECD’s BEPS project has been fascinating to watch and participate in the debate. On February 12, 2015, I attended 2015 BEPS Symposium – A Canadian Perspective, jointly presented by the Canadian Tax Foundation and International Fiscal Association Canada. The session was very interesting, exceptionally well presented, and a reminder that it is a great time to be a tax advisor despite (or because of) the crush of new developments.

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Moodys Tax Law responds to Accounting Standards Board on proposed accounting treatment of redeemable preferred shares issued in tax planning arrangements

Our firm has long believed that accountants and lawyers should work together in the delivery of tax services. Both professions bring different skill sets and perspectives to the table when crafting client solutions. To that end, we purposely employ both professions in our tax law firm. It is common when dealing with tax matters that an issue will arise that requires input from both accountants and lawyers, and the subject of this article is a great example. In October 2014, the Accounting Standards Board (“AcSB”) released an Exposure Draft that, if implemented, will have great consequences for many private enterprises when reporting certain common tax planning arrangements.

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Alexander Marino is quoted in an article titled “Trump bump: U.S. citizenship renunciation inquiries surge in Canada, lawyers say” on CBC News, January 28, 2025.


Alexander Marino is quoted in an article titled “‘Scary’: Why US expats are tossing their citizenships – and it’s not just Trump” in The Sydney Morning Herald, November 1, 2024


Kenneth Keung is quoted in the Investment Executive article titled “Quirk in capital gains tax rules raises risks for incorporated clients,” published on July 24, 2024.


Kenneth Keung is quoted in the Investment Executive article titled “How should trusts flow out capital gains to beneficiaries in 2024?”, July 5, 2024.


Kim G C Moody, Kenneth Keung, and Christopher Ellett are quoted in the Investment Executive article titled “When is the latest clients can sell assets prior to June 25?”, published on May 17, 2024.